Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Okay, The first to be reviewed on my blog. Webcomics.

Yes webcomics. I started reading them 2 years ago and there are so many great ones and some that ended up...well starting out great and failing a bit.

Let's start with the first one I read,


This comic for me started out great, it appealed to the side of me that loved video game humor and it had some good characters to support the jokes. And it was good for a year or two, the jokes were good, the art work was improving. Then I believe one of the downfalls was wayy too much character development for what used to be characters just there to support a joke. In fact in talking with some fans of the comic, one commented that the author "is forgetting how to be funny".

I can understand losing material and then turning to what most webcomics do and work on characters. I would be happy if he hadn't developed them as fast as he did.
The relationship with Lilah and Ethan? waay too fast for my liking.
She hadn't been a regular character long before Ethan took a liking to her. I know guys can jump into things, but there is...just too much perfect couple thing going on. I don't know if it's just me, but it's one of my irks with it's current situation.

Plus up until today's comic he had dropped an actually nice development between Kate and Lucas for a few lame jokes on the console wars.

Next comic


This is a delightful comic that has held my captive attention for a year now.
It doesn't rely heavily on profanity for humor, which makes it relatively safe for everyone. It's funny, quirky and it just works well. Not much more I can say about, except it's worth the read.

Here are some of the comics I've recently gotten into:

Sam and Fuzzy

Another brilliant comic, it tells the story of a man and a crazy bear that lives with him. It started out as random strips, but soon a whole story developed and it's still going. It's great and I recommend going through the archieves.
Sam Logan's drawing style is fun and in classic black and white. Plus his are all hand drawn, very little computer aided art with this one and I feel that adds an extra sense of class to the comic.

Kristy VS. The Zombie Army

A fun comic with a classic tale...well maybe not so classic. But still fun. The drawing style seems to have a style a few different drawing methods. It's funny with it's puns and has a few dramatic moments. It's fun and has good jokes.

Questionable Content

it's got music humor, a crazy robot, a freaky love...geometrical shape.
It's a fun comic and I love how the art has evolved through the whole series and you just have to love the characters and the attitude. Again another fun comic to get into.