Thursday, May 29, 2008

some stuff I need to review

First off.

Mid Game Review of Destroy All Humans! 2

Awesome voice acting, the cut scenes are wonderful, the music holy cow awesomesauce.
Graphics are just as the first one...the saucer is fun to fly, except it seems hell awful slow for an ALIEN SAUCER.
I mean half the cars and people move faster than this saucer. :<

that is not awesomesauce. But I suppose we can't be a super alien.

I give the game a solid 5 out of 5

Case Closed-Anime

An actual enjoyable anime...provided you can get over the ear size. :< that's my only quip with the show....not the voice acting(which is great), not the subtitles(which are decent with the episode dvds, but the movie ones are..well difficult at times)...the theme music is rather irritating...but the ear size is the only thing that gets me on that one.
The dialouge is somewhat cliched at times, but the stories are usually interesting.

I give this a 4 out of 5

Unreal Tournament 2: The Liandri Conflict

this is a mid game review. bear this in mind.

So far I've seen alot of whining and bitching in the cut scenes, a mention to sex, necrophillia...the basics and also personal issues.

The game play is fluid and exciting, your fingers at some point must turn into a flurry of button mashing to keep up with some of the fast paces of the game. Particularly the Capture the flag is fairly easy to master as long as your team guards the flag and you speed your way to the other base, that's always an easy win.
the nihli killing is hard to stay ahead unless you get a double damage boost.
the ball carrying is a bitch. :< I will say that.

Death matches are standard and enjoyable...blood and gore abound.

5 out of 5!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Narnia Prince Caspian

So I went to see the new Narnia movie tonight.

Needless to say they followed the book relatively well, except the end. :/

The special effects were good, the fight scenes were INTENSE. Not 300 intense, but enough that it had my attention.

the acting wasn't as good as the first one and some of the scenes felt hollow to me.

I don't think I would have had such an issue with the acting if Susan didn't have the same expression 90% of the time and peter would stop acting like Harry Potter in the third movie.

The lines from the mice and the other narnian creatures were well done and the centaurs always looked fabulous and had such poetic lines.

All in all the movie was decent, but not great so I'll give it a 3 out of 5.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Charles Weston

So on today's review I'll be looking at Charles Weston-Salon Results Moisture Lock Shampoo and Conditioner

Today ended the two week trial period of the product

I usually go for products that prevent my hair from frizzing or becoming too dry, but in my experience, I've found that each product doesn't last long on keeping a frizz free head, or leaves an oily look and feel after a day.

First off:

Both are a cream, which is good for keeping split ends and frizz down. the bottles are slim and easy to fit anywhere.
The scent is lovely, to be honest it's not a specific smell, it's just a good smell.
Your hair, after air drying, will feel so soft and smooth you wont want to stop touching it. Seriously I petted my own head for like an hour.

And after a day, nay 2 days, not an oily look or feel came about, the effect of the treatment just seemed to wear off.

I highly recommend this product to anyone with dry or frizzy hair!

All in All A 4.5 out of 5!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Well a good friend of mine asked about this blog.

And asked if I reviewed him.

and now I'm doing so.

What can I say about frank? Frank is made of awesome.

his pictures are either made of win or they reflect wonderful humor.

seriously go look at his pictures------>

what'd I tell you..

Frank is smart, a good quality indeed made of win.
And also lets me call him Misha.
I've called him that for years now.

Gaming master of most games I can think of and many more I've not even heard of probably...

a good hearted person, a deep thinking mind and a good taste of musical peoples and things.

all in all I give frank a billion trillion out of a billion trillion.

and an Epic Win.Forever.

Xbox-Red Ninja, Tony Hawks American Wasteland

Well first off let's start with Red Ninja.

I love this game. Period. There are no complaints with the story line, whatsoever.
But let's break this down now.

Battle System...
First off, it's simple button mashing, though mastering throwing your silly weapon is difficult, you have to get in range and make sure the tension is good and what not for that, but in the end, the results are always pleasing.
You cannot hide cut in half bodies. so...that may cause some issues.
The seduce mode is nice and takes some timing to make sure you get your kill, but also has pleasing end results.
close combat is difficult as you are a small girl, you can get kicked in the face a lot...and if you're like me. This will happen. Frequently when stealth killing fails or seduction fails.

Nice not too blocky and relatively smooth animation. I do have issues for their lack of detail or work with indoor scenes...but then again, this is a first gen xbox game.

Camera control...
Holy shit this is the only complaint I have...the control is a pile of shit made of fail.
not only will this fuck you over as far as close combat indoors, it can also swing you into a corner...
also you get frequent pantie shots...seriously.

All in all I rate this a 3 out of 5....

Moving on to my next victim.

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

First off, I will say the music selection is pretty good. And that ends the only good thing about the whole game.

the lack of a playable female character in story mode is pretty much fail....I know skateboarding is a male dominated industry, but come on people!

The voicing is so so, nothing stands out too much.

Camera angles and control are made of epic fail. You frequently end up screwing up missions for the mere fact that the camera can swing and throw you off completely ...and resetting yourself takes up time.

The controls were either very unresponsive or overly sensitive so that made missions even harder.

The animation was choppy at times and world people felt..very flat.

the story line was your average tony hawk story line, make it big time and look awesome doing it by following a long complex instructions that don't make sense, even after you've gone through the tutorial 3 times.

The game does supply classic hawk gaming, about as much fail as the story mode. :/

However, they had a great playlist for in game music. Too bad that was the only good thing.

All in all, I refuse to score this game I can't think of a negative number big enough to fail this game...

So in spirit of devArt and the forums....


seriously, never play this game, don't buy it, don't rent it. Don't even borrow it from a friend, instead remove it from their possession after explaining the previous to them and after you get over the shock of the fact that they own the damn game. and burn it promptly...please note the evil souls entrapped in the game and the poor souls that they sucked in. pray for the poor souls, douse with holy water for the evil ones.

Monday, May 12, 2008


When I went to see Ironman, I was prepared with my previous knowledge of the story line from the comic books and pretty much open minded to the movie.

I must say, the first 15 minutes is VERY exciting...and you just fall in love with Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark.

He's a smartass and pretty much you can enjoy his personality and quirks through out the whole movie. Plus you just have to love his house.

The acting was solid, special effects were excellent and the story line was about the same, except for it was brought to more modern times, instead of Vietnam it was Iraq.

Overall I give this movie a 10 out of 10