Thursday, May 29, 2008

some stuff I need to review

First off.

Mid Game Review of Destroy All Humans! 2

Awesome voice acting, the cut scenes are wonderful, the music holy cow awesomesauce.
Graphics are just as the first one...the saucer is fun to fly, except it seems hell awful slow for an ALIEN SAUCER.
I mean half the cars and people move faster than this saucer. :<

that is not awesomesauce. But I suppose we can't be a super alien.

I give the game a solid 5 out of 5

Case Closed-Anime

An actual enjoyable anime...provided you can get over the ear size. :< that's my only quip with the show....not the voice acting(which is great), not the subtitles(which are decent with the episode dvds, but the movie ones are..well difficult at times)...the theme music is rather irritating...but the ear size is the only thing that gets me on that one.
The dialouge is somewhat cliched at times, but the stories are usually interesting.

I give this a 4 out of 5

Unreal Tournament 2: The Liandri Conflict

this is a mid game review. bear this in mind.

So far I've seen alot of whining and bitching in the cut scenes, a mention to sex, necrophillia...the basics and also personal issues.

The game play is fluid and exciting, your fingers at some point must turn into a flurry of button mashing to keep up with some of the fast paces of the game. Particularly the Capture the flag is fairly easy to master as long as your team guards the flag and you speed your way to the other base, that's always an easy win.
the nihli killing is hard to stay ahead unless you get a double damage boost.
the ball carrying is a bitch. :< I will say that.

Death matches are standard and enjoyable...blood and gore abound.

5 out of 5!

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