Saturday, June 28, 2008

Something new and a revisit

Alrighty then, I highly doubt really anyone reads this, but I like to critique things and I have a few things to say..

Zero Punctuation.

Zero Punctuation is a game review webshow done in either flash mx or windows movie maker, I believe he mentioned it once before...but my memory fails me at the time being.
The british born aussie will review a game with out stopping for air or as the title suggests. Punctuation. But again lets think about this, he's talking and in talking you rather pause at the , mark. But other than that I don't think periods are really evident in your speech.(unless you are a woman who hasn't hit menopause.Lol)

But it's possibly a gimick or just something creative. He's often shown in real live pictures with a sweet hat and drawn with said sweet hat. Come on FEDORAS!
You cannot be uncool and wear a fedora at the same time. So he wins massive points for that fact.

Some people will say he's over criticizing of games or like a friend of mine puts it as "he sums up a game without knowing the whole story"

WELL. There are more ways to skin a cat or a game than your way. I agree with some of the things he has to say and some of the things I'm not a fan of, but the hat just makes up for some of the belligerent slime that has come forth.(my only issue being the halo 3 review with out him playing the first two games)

Other than that it's a 5 minute joy of listening to the arousing british accent flow out of my hi def laptop speakers and a few giggles from his choice words.
He is one of the people that inspires me to critique the world as it hits me in the face.

I highly recommend the opinion of Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.

With that slice of gold out of the way

Let's revist the webcomics I first did.

First up

CAD has taken many different paths, one of the paths had readers enraged and upset with the loss of the ethan/lilah child. But I know he has a reason for all this and did manage to end the saga on a nice and funny note.

Yes I know miscarriage isn't funny...but he tied in a joke from the first comic in the saga...

The art has taken a bit of polishing since I last reviewed it, which is nice and also I've found that his humor is being to take a broader view than just games, which has originally had hard criticizing from it's fanboys/girls.

Which I think is nice to deviate from just gaming jokes...there is a lot of funny shit going on in the world and the idiots should be made an example of via web comic, web casts and water cooler hi jinx.
My original rating for the comic didn't fare so well as I wasn't too overly thrilled with how it was cramming too much into one comic or saga...but now I revise that score and give it a 4/5

Dr. McNinja is still funny as ever, no need to tell it what to do, when it's doing the right thing already.

Questionable content gets funnier every comic, except the rare comic that doesn't seem to make much sense unless you read the creators blog or happen to know something he does...which limits his crowd I think.

However his introduction to a filler character known as 'Sweet-Tits', was widely welcomed and so far seems to be making a wonderful character filler, maybe even better than shouting bird.

so with that I leave you again to enjoy the jewels of life and to sort through the crap

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